Emergency Operations Protocol | March 1, 2022

Emergency Operations Protocol | March 1, 2022 – Odessa College remains in color code/level YELLOW of the Emergency Status Operations Protocol; however, college restrictions for internal and external events as well as employee and student  travel have been lifted.  Per the latest CDC guidelines, people may choose to mask at any time. People with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.
Click here to learn more about the latest CDC guidelines and the COVID-19 Level in Ector County.
Odessa College will continue to prioritize your education and your health. Please be prepared to transition to increased restrictions should COVID-19 cases in the region rise. Employees and vendors who test positive for COVID-19 or present with new or worsening signs or symptoms associated with COVID-19 must contact HR. Students who test positive for COVID-19 or present with new or worsening signs or symptoms associated with COVID-19 must notify the Vice President of Student Services via email kmckay@6lwboc.com.
